PIZZERIA open 3-11pm!
Durham, NC & Durham, UK – sister cities that brew together! 🍻✌️🇬🇧🇺🇸 We are so thrilled to be a part of Two Durhams Beer Festival from The Sister Cities of Durham again this year, showcasing delicious beers from two of the best Durhams in the world! 🌎
Join us this Friday, June 9th at Durham Central Park to taste some special English & NC craft beers from us & our local brewery friends The Glass Jug Beer Lab, Fullsteam Brewery, Bull City Burger, & Starpoint Brewery, & UK breweries Caps Off Brewery, Steam Machine Brewery, Durham Brewery, Full Circle Brew, & Three Brothers Brewing.
Plus, there will be food trucks & live music! Click here for more info: https://www.sistercities-durham.com/ 🎉