PIZZERIA open 3-10pm!
NCAA March Madness on the Big Screen
It's March & it’s time for some basketball & bracket Madness! If the taproom is open, the games are playing on all patio TVs and the big screen. Looking for a certain game? Ask your charming bartender!
Beer and running, a pairing as old as time! Join the good people of Fleet Feet here at Ponysaurus every Thursday for a 3-mile route or 5-mile route. Expect a good time and treat yourself to a pint at the end of every run for a job well done!
Arrive at Ponysaurus at 6:15pm to check-in, Announcements and run at 6:30pm. The run is free and all levels/speeds are welcome. Save time and complete your free registration online through our Pony Run page here or through this link here.